WebRTC Labs

This page allows you to do WebRTC signalling manually to understand how WebRTC signalling works.


Let us guide you


In this setup, there are two machines, referred here as Machine A and Machine B. Machine A is the machine initiating the connection.
  1. On Machine A, click createOffer and copy the offer to the clipboard.
  2. On Machine A, call setLocalDescription with the offer.
  3. On Machine B, call setRemoteDescription with the offer.
  4. On Machine B, click createAnswer and copy the answer to the clipboard.
  5. On Machine B, call setLocalDescription with the answer.
  6. On Machine A, call setRemoteDescription with the answer.
  7. On Machine A, copy ICE candidate to the clipboard.
  8. On Machine B, call addIceCandidate with the ICE candidate.
  9. On Machine B, copy ICE candidate to the clipboard.
  10. On Machine A, call addIceCandidate with the ICE candidate.
  11. Both machines should now be connected.
  12. On Machine A, call sendMessage with your desired message.
  13. On Machine B, you should now be able to see the received message.
See a demo: https://youtu.be/NJdkgs6hYU0

Connection State:
Signaling State:
ICE Gathering State:

ICE candidate

Received message